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Journal Missa

 Archives de mars 2014 Journal Missa

 Lundi le 24 mars 2014
Pray for atheists

At the apparition site of Medjugorje, Our Lady reportedly gave five wonderful promises, on September 2, 2012, for those who pray for atheists (the ones "who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father").

The promises are:

1. "I will strengthen you." 2. "I will fill you with my graces." 3. "With my love, I will protect you from the evil spirit." 4. "I will be with you." 5. "With my presence, I will console you in difficult moments."

The prayer:

"In the Name of Jesus, Who said that anything we ask in His Name will be given to those who believe, I ask that those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father will be blessed with the knowledge that they are loved by Him beyond all human reasoning and understanding. Please grant them the gift to feel His love as it enfolds them to such an extent that they will be unable to resist or deny it. May the knowledge of the Heavenly Father's infinite love stir within their hearts the desire to return that love to Him, and to reflect it to all others. May their lives be a pure reflection of His resplendent love. I ask this in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen"
12:13:22 PM

Journal Missa

 Dimanche le 23 mars 2014
Francis: The Church needs lay people, they should not be “clericalised”

In an audience with Italian television and radio network Corallo, the Pope called for “harmony” between individuals' tasks within a parish Domenico Agasso jr Rome

The Church needs the laity and they should not be “clericalised”, Francis said in this morning’s audience with Italian Catholic radio and television network Corallo.

“Who’s more important? The Pope or that little old lady who recites the rosary every day?” Francis asked this question to representatives of local television channels, admitting that he himself did not know the answer.

“The body of Christ is the harmony of the different,” the Pope explained condemning the phenomenon of “clericalism” which afflicts many lay people, to the point that it can be defined as an “added evil”. “Some bishops and priests are drawn by the temptation to clericalise the laity, but there are also many lay people who get down on their knees and ask to be clericalised: it is a two-way sin.” But according to Francis, “a lay person has the strength that comes from baptism and his lay vocation is not negotiable.”

The Pope criticised the tendency some prelates have of pushing lay people who do a lot of great work in their parishes - they may be great organisers, for example - to be come deacons. Another thing that often happens, Francis said in his off-the-cuff address to representatives of Italian diocesan broadcasters, is that “when there is a lay person who does a good job and is committed, their parish priest goes to the local bishop – and this happened to me in Buenos Aires – and says: “Why don’t we make him a deacon?” This is a mistake: if we have a good lay person, let him carry on being just that,” the Pope stressed.

“The way I see it, clericalism prevents lay people from growing,” the Pope added. And this “is a two-way temptation because clericalism would not exist if there weren’t any lay people who wanted to be clericalised.”

Francis then called for “harmony” between the various tasks carried out in the Church “because a priest cannot do a lay person’s job.” The Pope then stressed the importance of “pastoral councils”: “A parish without a pastoral council and an economic affairs council is not a good parish,” he said.

Francis urged Catholic radio and television broadcasters to give due “attention to issues that are important to the lives of people, families and society” as a whole and to treat said issues “in a responsible, sincere and passionate way in the name of the common good and the truth” not just to create hype. “Big broadcasters often don’t show an adequate amount of respect for the people and values involved in the issues addressed, but try to create a spectacle instead,” Francis stressed. “But it is crucial you show respect in your broadcasts because human stories should not be exploited.”
11:32:12 AM

Journal Missa

 Vendredi le 21 mars 2014
Adrienne Von Speyr et le Sacrement de Pénitence

Dans beaucoup de ses śuvres on rencontre le terme, inventé par elle, d'« attitude de confession » (Beichthaltung). Cette attitude peut se décrire comme une disposition habituelle à s'ouvrir sans réserve, là où cette ouverture a un sens et répond à une exigence. Cette disponibilité est très proche de l'« indifférence »ignatienne, laquelle est prête à jouer cartes sur table avec Dieu,ou de ce qu'on lit en saint Jean : « qui fait la vérité (a-lèfheia :non caché) vient à la lumière » (Jn 3,21), ou encore de l'affirmation paulinienne : « tout ce qui se manifeste est lumière »(Ep J,14). De sorte que l'opposé de cette attitude, c'est-à-dire le péché, est défini comme «mensonge» (Jn 8,44)
2:00:53 PM

Journal Missa

 Lundi le 17 mars 2014
Ukraine: kidnapped priest freed

(Vatican Radio) A priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Fr. Mykola Kvych, who was kidnapped by armed men on Saturday morning in Sevastopol, has been freed. The police chief of the Crimean port town made the announcement and the UGCC communications office later confirmed the announcement.
2:49:30 PM

Journal Missa

 Samedi le 15 mars 2014
Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest abducted in Crimea

2014-03-15 Vatican Radio In a serious escalation of tension in Crimea, a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest was kidnapped on Saturday. Sources in Ukraine say Father Mykola Kvych, a pastor and a Ukrainian military chaplain, was abducted by pro-Russian forces after celebrating the liturgy. “Every abduction is a terrible event for everybody involved,” said Bishop Borys Gudziak, the Eparch of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy. “It’s a gross violation of human rights and God-given human dignity.” He expressed his grave concern about the repercussions of the kidnapping of Father Kvych. Earlier this month, Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests received oral and written threats warning them to leave Crimea. Many priests, however, have chosen to remain with their people. “Our priests and bishops have been very close to the people,” said Bishop Borys. “We’ve been inspired by the example of Our Lord [Who] went a long distance from fellowship with the Father to incarnate Himself and be in our reality.” He said they have also been inspired by the words of Pope Francis “who said a pastor needs to have the smell of his sheep. And our pastors have been with the people, and they’re today with the people enduring this occupation in the Crimea.” With the whereabouts of Father Mykola unknown, Bishop Borys made a special appeal “to the authorities of the Russian Orthodox Church, who have in direct or indirect ways supported these moves for the for the occupation of Crimea to do everything in their power to have Father Kvych released and to stop the persecution of Catholic priests and Catholic faithful on this peninsula.”
6:52:57 PM

"Although human nature itself is drawn to special kindness towards these times of life, that is towards the old and children, still the authority of the Rule should also provide for them. Let their weakness be always taken into account, and let them by no means be held to the rigor of the Rule with regard to food. On the contrary, let a kind consideration be shown to them, and let them eat before the regular hours." Source: Rule of Saint Benedict

A few thoughts, inspired about kindness…

There is a very fine point that can easily be missed here if we don't examine St. Benedict's words carefully. There is a distinct difference between the *natural* kindness of human nature that shows sympathy and kindness to souls in need, and *supernatural* charity. Now it is of course a highly praiseworthy and truly wonderful thing to be a humanitarian and the world needs all it can get! But for the charity of human nature to be elevated to the supernatural virtue of Charity requires that an entirely different motive for the action be the genesis of our undertakings.

Don't misunderstand me, here. Working with the underprivileged or the elderly or any other group or soul in need is much to be admired and imitated. Never-the-less, if the underlying reason for these good actions is merely sympathy or vague feelings of injustice or any other human emotion and not, at root, the love of Almighty God, then as praise worthy as the works are they are not Supernatural Charity. Think I'm being too tough? Too old fashioned? Not PC? Well, if you're familiar with St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians Chapter 13 you will remember this: ***"And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."*** We're talking "agape" or "caritas" here, Beloveds, not human love but a love above natural human love.

St. Benedict's Instructions seem very plain that the authority of the Holy Rule and the love of Almighty God must be behind our treatment of the needy and the ill. But there is a "caveat" here, too. We must be EXTREMELY vigilant that we are not tainted with even the faintest whiff of Pride in anything we do, remembering what the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict (echoing the Gospels) tells us quite plainly. Left to ourselves we are only capable of sin. Any good we do is by the Grace of God. To feel Pride at anything we do is foolish and makes idols of our false-self.

8:28:51 AM

Journal Missa

 Jeudi le 6 mars 2014
Henri VIII et les martyrs de la Chartreuse de Londres

Vous êtes triste, disait-il, il passe des heures où tout vous pèse. Moi aussi, j'ai habité cette cellule, et, comme vous, j'y ai souffert. Àh ! si ces murs pouvaient parler ! page 110
2:57:23 PM

Journal Missa

 Mercredi le 5 mars 2014
Entretien - Otto de Habsbourg

A l'occasion de la Présidence française de l'Union Européenne en 2008, Otto de Habsbourg-Lorraine donnait une interview exclusive à KTO. Ce fut l'un de ses derniers entretiens télévisés. Devenu à 66 ans député du Parlement Européen, après un parcours atypique, le fils de Charles Ier d' Autriche, dernier empereur d'Autriche-Hongrie, s'était consacré pendant 20 ans à la construction européenne. Otto de Habsbourg est décédé le 4 juillet 2011 à l'âge de 98 ans.
3:56:00 PM
Zita de Habsbourg, princesse servante; dernière Impératrice d'Autriche

Elle aurait pu connaître la gloire comme la belle et romantique Sissi. Mais Zita de Habsbourg, dernière Impératrice d'Autriche, eut un destin à l'opposé de celle qui l'avait précédée sur le trône : après seulement deux ans de règne en pleine guerre mondiale, elle subit la calomnie, l'exil et la pauvreté. En prise directe avec l'Histoire, l'Impératrice Zita a su faire face aux difficultés, gardant le cap sans se plaindre et surtout sans en vouloir à ceux qui avaient causé sa chute. Femme politique intelligente et courageuse, mère de famille soucieuse de donner la meilleure éducation possible à ses enfants, tant intellectuelle que spirituelle, elle a toujours puisé sa force dans sa foi jusqu'à sa mort en 1989 à l'âge de 97 ans. Modèle d'humilité, de fidélité, de confiance en Dieu, qu'a-t-elle à dire aujourd'hui aux hommes et aux femmes du XXIe siècle ? Un film de Carine Poidatz. Une coproduction Perles d'Histoire / Les Bons Clients / Association pour la béatification de l'Impératrice Zita / KTO - octobre 2012.
2:52:32 PM
Recettes de pain de jeûne

Recette de pain de jeûne, sans levain, de Flavia. Genre chapatis de l'Inde.

- 200 gr de farine intégrale
- 50 gr de farine blanche type 0
- 500 ml d'eau
- 1/2 cuiller à café de sel
- 2 cuillers à soupe d'huile d'olive
- 15 amandes ou noix hachées
- 2 cuillers à soupe de raisins secs

1. Tremper les raisins secs dans de l'eau très chaude pendant environ 15 minutes
2. Préchauffer le four à 200°C
3. Mélanger tous les ingrédients dans un bol. Le mélange doit être bien mouillé. Puis le placer sur une poêle antiadhésive ou sur un plat à four graissé. Aplatissez le mélange de manière uniforme sur tout le fond, avec les mains ou une cuiller. Mettez au four sur la grille supérieure pendant 15 min, puis replacez sur la grille du bas pendant 15 min supplémentaires.
Lorsque le pain est ferme au toucher et que les côtés croustillants s'écartent des rebords du plat, il est prêt. Laissez-le refroidir et retirez-le du plat. Servez immédiatement.

Voici 2 autres recettes qui vous aideront à remplir votre machine (un achat qui vaut la peine !). Dans la 1ère,nous avons ajouté raisins secs et amandes pour ceux qui voudraient rendre leur pain plus riche. (Cela ne fait pas partie du plan initial, mais il vaut mieux enrichir le pain plutôt que d’abandonner le jeûne). Ce pain vous fera bénir les jours de jeûne !

a) Pour un pain de 600 gr avec fruits secs, cuit à la machine
Cycle : Pain intégral ou complet
- 150 g de farine de blé complet
- 200 g de farine blanche
- 9 g de levure sèche
- 1 +1/2 c à café de sel
- 25 g raisins secs (ou autre fruit sec)
- 20 g d’amandes
- 20 g de graines de tournesol
- 15 g de muesli (ou avoine)
- 350 ml d’eau tiède
- 60 ml d’huile d’olive (ou autre huile moins chère)

Mettre levure, farine, sel, raisins secs, amandes, graines de tournesol, muesli, eau et huile d’olive dans le plat à pain. Allumer et régler la machine à pain. Ajouter de l’eau si la pâte ne se ramasse pas ou de la farine blanche si la pâte colle sur les côtés du plat.

b) Pour un pain sans fruits secs, cuit à la machine
Cycle : Pain complet
- 150 g de farine blé complet
- 200g de farine blanche
- 1 ½ c à café levure sèche activée
- ½ c à café de sel
- 250 ml d’eau tiède
- 3 c à soupe d’huile d’olive (ou autre huile moins chère)

Mettre levure, farine, sel, eau et huile d’olive dans le plat à pain. Allumer et régler la machine à pain. Ajouter de l’eau si la pâte ne se ramasse pas, ou de la farine blanche si la pâte colle sur les côtés du plat.
3:22:15 AM

La puissance du jeûne en 10 min

2:14:24 AM

Journal Missa

 Dimanche le 2 mars 2014
EWTN Live - 2014-2-26 - Fr. Philip Anderson - The Contemplative Life

Fr. Mitch welcomes Fr. Philip Anderson, Abbot of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey in Hulbert, Oklahoma to share about the contemplative Benedictine life.
7:42:49 PM

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