Jeudi le 14 février 2002
Jean-Paul II demande à ses prêtres que leur pastorale soit "explicitement vocationnelle". Même si "la prière pour les vocations est le devoir de toute la communauté chrétienne", rappelait le pape dans son allocution, "il est difficile qu´une vocation au sacerdoce naisse sans un rapport à la figure du prêtre , sans contact personnel avec lui, sans son amitié, sa patiente attention pleine de sollicitude, et sa direction spirituelle. 8:12:06 PM  |
John Paul II stressed that the priestly vocation "is a mystery" in which man gives himself to Christ that "He may use him as an instrument of salvation. ... If the mystery of this 'exchange' is not perceived, it is not possible to understand how it can be that a young man, hearing the words 'follow me!', may come to renounce everything for Christ in the certainty that, along this path, his human personality will be fully realized.""Thus it becomes clear," he continued, "why the first and principal commitment for vocations can be none other than prayer. ... Prayer for vocations is not and cannot be the fruit of resignation," as if it were the only possible response after having "already done everything possible with meager results."The Holy Father indicated that prayer for vocations is a task "for the entire Christian community" and must form a part of pastoral care. Consequently, "Christian families have a great and irreplaceable mission and responsibility. ... In the same way, catechesis and all the pastoral care of Christian initiation must comprehend a first vocational element. ... Finally, each parish and Christian community ... must feel a shared responsibility in proposing and accompanying vocations."He added that vocational pastoral care "is entrusted in the first place to our prayer, our ministry and our personal testimony." For this reason, he explained, for a vocation to be born there must be the personal contact, friendship and spiritual guidance of a priest. 1:50:44 PM  |
L´Annuaire pontifical 2002 indique une forte augmentation du nombre de candidats au sacerdoce dans le monde. Des nouveautés de l´édition 2002, les media italiens ont avant tout souligné la reprise des vocations sacerdotales dans le monde. Entre 1978 et 2000, le nombre des étudiants en philosophie et en théologie des séminaires diocésains ou religieux est passé de 63,882 à 110,583. En Afrique, le nombre des séminaristes a triplé. En Asie, il augmenté de 12,5 %, en Amérique de 65 % et en Europe de 12 %. ... 7:56:43 AM  |
Jean-Paul II a évoqué du bienheureux Jean XXIII: Alors qu´il était encore séminariste... "son désir de sainteté, mis en pratique dans sa vie quotidienne", mais aussi "son solide optimisme" qui était "apprécié dans les difficultés". 7:38:58 AM  |