Mercredi le 16 avril 2003
L'eau de Pâques - Jésus, assis sur le bord du puits, dit à la Samaritaine: "Qui boira de l'eau que je lui donnerai n'aura plus jamais soif; l'eau que je lui donnerai deviendra en lui source d'eau jaillissant en vie éternelle." (Jean 4,14). 11:50:27 AM  |
Collecte de sang du Vendredi Saint - Sous la présidence d'honneur du Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte : Vendredi 18 avril - 9 h à 19 h au Marché Bonsecours 350, rue Saint-Paul Est Montréal. 11:43:13 AM  |
SARS - Bishop John Boissonneau, spokesman for the Catholic archdiocese of Toronto, urged parishioners to abide by quarantine orders, even if it means missing Easter masses. "Some people may feel a certain tension or stress between their religious duties and their public-health duties," he said. "Let me tell you: their public-health duty is their religious duty, their responsibility before their God to safeguard their community." Boissonneau also outlined temporary new rules for mass in the run-up to a weekend when churches are usually at their fullest. Catholics taking communion will not be given sacramental wine from a shared chalice, and communion wafers will be placed in the parishioner's hand, not on their tongue. Worshippers are asked to bow to each other rather than shake hands during the "salutation of peace," and to bow or cross themselves before the crucifix on Good Friday, instead of the traditional practice of kissing it. 10:43:46 AM  |