Mardi le 8 juin 2004
Le développement durable de la forêt
En avril dernier, Mgr Bertrand Blanchet, archevêque de Rimouski, a présenté un mémoire à la Commission d'étude sur la gestion de la forêt publique, conscient que cette Commission pouvait «servir d’agora où l’on développe une vision de la forêt québécoise susceptible d’être partagée par le plus grand nombre possible».
On trouvera le texte de ce mémoire en format PDF sous le titre Le développement durable de la forêt. 1:46:37 PM ![]( |
"Over the last 40 or so years," the Holy Father said, "while political attention to human subjectivity has focused on individual rights, in the public domain there has been a growing reluctance to acknowledge that all men and women receive their essential and common dignity from God and with it the capacity to move towards truth and goodness." "Detached from this vision of the fundamental unity and purpose of the whole human family, rights are at times reduced to self-centered demands," he said. As an example, the Pontiff mentioned "the growth of prostitution and pornography in the name of adult choice, the acceptance of abortion in the name of women's rights, the approval of same sex unions in the name of homosexual rights." "In the face of such erroneous yet pervasive thinking," the Holy Father reminded the laity of "their special responsibility for evangelizing culture and promoting Christian values in society and public life." "False secularistic forms of humanism, which exalt the individual in such a manner that they become a veritable idolatry, can be countered only by the rediscovery of the genuine inviolable dignity of every person," he said. "This sublime dignity is manifested in all its radiance when the person's origin and destiny are considered -- created by God and redeemed by Christ, we are all called to be 'children in the Son,'" the Pope observed. He added: "So, again I say to the people of the United Sates, it is the Paschal Mystery of Christ that is the only sure point of reference for all of humanity on its pilgrimage in search of authentic unity and true peace!" 8:34:05 AM ![]( |