Jeudi le 31 mai 2012
Reclaiming the city and its people to Jesus
On Saturday evening (May 19) about 450 young people accompanied by Bishops Lepine (Montreal), Dowd (Montreal), Lacroix (QC) and Prendergast (Ottawa) took part in a Eucharistic procession which started at St. Joseph’s Oratory and cut right through the heart of downtown Montreal arriving at the Cathedral: Mary Queen of the World.
For five kilometres, the four bishops walked shoulder to shoulder sharing the task of carrying the monstrance every step of the way. As one got fatigued the other bishop stepped up and took on the weight for his brother bishop. It was an incredible witness of episcopal friendship, collaboration and solidarity.
When we turned onto St. Catherine’s Street, Bishop Lepine, the Archbishop of Montreal, held the monstrance high and quite bravely lead us down the middle of St. Catherine’s with 450 young people joyfully clapping, singing and bearing witness to Christ in the midst of the glamour, glitter and sensuality of St. Catherine’s night life as it unfolded.
In this act, it was as though the Archbishop was reclaiming the city and its people to Jesus. Those who passed by were visibly touched by this public witness to Christ, many stopping to applaud us, take pictures, join in the procession, or with arms tightly crossed to their chest watch curiously. The procession did not go unnoticed!
People, young and old, were being drawn to their apartments and shop windows to witness not a protest of aggression unfolding, but a procession of love outpouring. Moreover, spectators were being drawn out of themselves, out of the mundane and into the mystery and joy of the Christian faith. To say the least, it certainly was a juxtaposition to the recent protests in Montreal. 6:41:39 AM  |
A light shining in the darkness
More than 450 students and four bishops peacefully strode down Ste Catherine Street in Montreal May 22 with a monstrance showing the Blessed Sacrament front and centre.
Part of the 2012 Montreal Youth Summit, the students accompanied Montreal Archbishop Christian Lepine, Montreal Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Dowd, Quebec Archbishop Gerald Lacroix, and Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, SJ, from St. Joseph's Oratory to the Cathedral of Mary Queen of the World in silent witness and peaceful communication.
They weaved their way through the heart of the city while exposing the Blessed Sacrament for all to see and contemplate.
The bishops passed the monstrance between them when fatigue set in...
Echoing Pope Benedict's words that effective communication contains silence and word, the bishops and students communicated this proficiently, engaging passersby and residents hanging from windows, fire escapes, and balconies.
The procession brought out the best in people too. Kyle Ferguson, a coordinator for Catholic Campus Ministry, wrote that onlookers were drawn "out of the mundane and into the mystery and joy of Christian faith." He also noted onlookers applauded, took pictures, joined in, and watched with wonder.
It wasn't a protest; it was a procession communicating the love of the Gospel. It was a light shining in the darkness.
Successful communication does not always need to have the noise of words - the noise of slogans and shouting. Effective communications can embody the silence of action. In the case of the youth conference and serene marching with the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of Montreal, the bishops and youth peacefully, and properly, witnessed to many thousands of habitants that effective communication can be beautifully embodied with no words at all. 6:25:58 AM  |
Saint Séraphim de Sarov
« Acquiers la paix intérieure et des milliers trouveront le salut. »
Priez pour l'unité de l'Eglise
(Russie) (fêté le 2 janvier) 6:14:06 AM  |
Le Grand Séminaire de Montréal ouvre ses portes aux visiteurs Pour une 10e saison consécutive, Univers culturel de Saint-Sulpice invite le grand public à venir découvrir quelques trésors du Grand Séminaire de Montréal en suivant un parcours qui invite à remonter aux origines de Montréal, témoignant ainsi de l’œuvre trois fois centenaire des Sulpiciens au Canada.
Les visiteurs peuvent s’imprégner d’un passé lointain en pénétrant dans les tours de l’ancien Fort de la Montagne, seuls vestiges d’une construction datant de la fin du XVIIe siècle. L’étape suivante amène à considérer l’architecture du Grand Séminaire, construit entre 1854 et 1877, et à contempler le long bassin d’eau qui ajoute à la beauté du parc environnant. De là, on s’achemine ensuite vers la chapelle du Grand Séminaire (1907), œuvre majeure de l’architecte Jean Omer Marchand (1872-1936) et qui nous fait entrer dans la modernité.
Calendrier : Du mercredi 1er juin au samedi 31 août 2012, inclusivement.
Horaire : 13h00 et 15h00, du mardi au vendredi; 10h00 et 13h00, le samedi seulement.
Adresse : 2065, rue Sherbrooke Ouest.
Visites guidées (offertes en français ou en anglais) :
- Individuelles : sans réservations; contributions volontaires.
- Groupes de 10 personnes et plus : réservations obligatoires, 48 h à l’avance; 5 $ par personne.
Renseignements et réservations : François Hudon : 514-935-7775
Courriel :
6:02:51 AM  |