The Will of God is the rest of the soul; It is the rest of
God in the soul; It is fulfilled only and exclusively through
the giving of oneself completely and without reserve to Jesus,
the only salvation. The entire point of the Living in the Will
of God is a Holiness which gives a continuous growth in grace.
"My presence is like a sea which does not have any borders;
whoever finds themselves in My presence is like a droplet that
is dispersed in My sea"; Faith is light for the sight of the
soul which guides the soul to eternal life. "Our Father
Who art in Heaven; Your Will be done on earth as it
is in Heaven."
Églises du monde s'intéresse cette semaine à l'Égypte, pays dans lequel se situe la plus importante minorité chrétienne de la région. Les coptes représentent 10% de la population égyptienne. Mais l'Église du peuple des pharaons subit depuis vingt ans des violences et des discriminations. Les conversions au christianisme restent interdites. Les coptes sont-ils en danger, à l'image de l'ensemble des chrétiens d'Orient ? Réponse avec le père Henri Boulad, jésuite d'Alexandrie. 3:45:14 PM