Lundi le 5 octobre 2015
Un adage classique chez les chartreux / A classic adage among Carthusians
Un adage classique chez les chartreux dit : « Les novices sont saints. Les jeunes moines ne sont pas saints mais ils ne le savent pas. Les moines mûrs ne sont pas saints et ils le savent. Il y a de vieux moines qui sont saints mais ils ne le savent pas. »
A classic adage among Carthusians says: "The novices are saints. The young monks are not saints, but they do not know it. Mature monks are not saints and they know it. There are old monks who are saints but they do not know it. " 5:31:18 AM  |
For the soul to repent it must first awake. It is in this awakening that the miracle of repentance occurs. This is where human will plays its role. The awakening, however; is not something that rests only with the individual man or woman. The individual on his own is unable to bring it about. God intervenes. Then divine grace comes. Without grace a person cannot repent. The love of God does everything. He may use something — an illness, or something else, it depends — in order to bring a person to repentance. Accordingly repentance is achieved through divine grace. We simply make a move towards God and from then onwards grace supervenes….[Yet], if there are not the preconditions for Christ to enter into us, repentance does not come. The preconditions are humility, love, prayer, prostrations, and labor for Christ…Repentance is a very delicate matter. True repentance will bring us sanctification.
From Wounded by Love, Elder Porphyrios 3:59:32 AM  |