Missa lists canadian pastoral activites.
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Other pastoral resources
73 links
Annuaire électronique Saint-Antoine de l'Église catholique au Canada
Archdiocese of Armagh
Archdiocese of Atlanta - Vocations Office
Archdiocese of Baltimore - Vocations Office
Archdiocese of Boston - Vocations
Archdiocese of Chicago - Vocations
Archdiocese of Cincinnati - Vocations
Archdiocese of Denver
Archdiocese of Glasgow
Archdiocese of Indianapolis -Vocations
Archdiocese of Los Angeles -Vocations
Archdiocese of New York
Archdiocese of New York - Vocations Info
Archdiocese of Newark - Office of Vocations
Archdiocese of Philadelphia - Vocations
Archdiocese of San Francisco - Office of Vocations
Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis
Archdiocese of Westminster
Assemblée des évêques du Québec
Bishops' Conference of Scotland
Byzantine Catholic Church in America
CECC - Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada
Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan
Catholic Church in England & Wales
Catholic Vocations - Diocese of Melbourne Australia
Catholic diocese of Hong Kong
Catholic dioceses in the world
Cathédrale Saint-Lazare d'Autun
Cathédrale de Rouen
Cathédrale de Strasbourg
Centre Romand des Vocations - Lausanne (Suisse)
Chiesa Cattolica Italiana
Christian Information center (Jerusalem)
Conférence des Évêques de France
Deutsche Bischofskonferenz
Diocese of Albany, NY - Office of Vocations
Diocese of Buffalo - Vocation Office
Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi - Office of Vocations
Diocese of Joliet - Vocation Office
Diocese of Kansas City ~ St. Joseph -Vocations Office
Diocese of Sacramento - Office of Priestly and Religious Vocations
Diocese of Springfield Ill - Vocations Office
Diocese of Springfield Ma - Vocations Office
Diocese of Springfield Mo, cape Girardeau - Vocations Office
Diocese of Worcester Mass USA
Diocèse St-Jean-Longueuil, Québec
Diocèse de Hamilton, Ontario
Diocèse de Montréal, Québec
Diocèse de Paris, France
Diocèse de St-Jérôme, Québec
Diocèses Catholiques dans le monde
Eglise catholique de Belgique On-line
Eglise catholique de France
Eglise catholique de la Réunion
Eglise catholique des États-Unis
Eglise catholique en Suisse
Maronite Catholic Church of Australia
Mass Times (UK)
Mass Times (USA)
Messes Info de l'Eglise catholique en France
Misas.org (Espaņa)
Oeuvre des Vocations du Diocèse de Montréal
Paroisse Cathédrale Saint-Boniface Manitoba
Paroisse Notre-Dame-d'Afrique, Carnoux en Provence
Paroisse St Nicolas
Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington Vermont USA
Saint Anthony's Cyberguide Canadian Catholic Directory
Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Formation - National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference
Service National des Vocations (SNV) de l'Eglise de France
The Florida Catholic Conference
Veritas... Catholic Archidiocese of Singapore
Vocations Online - Joliet
Web Site of the Catholic Church in Europe