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Spread love everywhere you go, but first and foremost in your home. Love your children, your spouse, your neighbour... Let no one who comes to you, leave without being better and happier. Be the living expression of goodness, be it the goodnes of your face, goodness of your eyes, goodness of your smile or the goodness of your warm welcome. Mother Teresa

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World Youth DayMadrid 2011 |En|
A.C.N. Aid to the Church in Need (Canada) |En|
AIM Alliance Inter Monasteries |En|
Abbaye Saint-Joseph de clairval |En|
Abortionfacts.com |En|
American Bible Society |En|
American Catholic Online |En|
AmericanCatholic.org |En|
Anastasis Theater |En|
Anglican School of Theology. Texas |En|
Anglicans Online |En|
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje |En|
Aquinas Institut of Theology |En|
Archdiocese of Armagh |En|
Archdiocese of Atlanta - Vocations Office |En|
Archdiocese of Baltimore - Vocations Office |En|
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Archdiocese of New York - Vocations Info |En|
Archdiocese of Newark - Office of Vocations |En|
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Archdiocese of San Francisco - Office of Vocations |En|
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Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase |En|
Art History Visual Guide |En|
Ascent of Mount Carmel, Saint John of the Cross |En|
AsiaNews.it |En|
Association for Religion and Intellectual Life |En|
Auckland Consortium for Theological Education |En|
Augustine of Hippo (Saint) |En|
Ave Maria School of Law |En|
Baltimore cathecism |En|
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Bethel Theological Seminary |En|
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Bible Bookstore - Haven of Hope |En|
Bible Site (donate bibles to persecuted Christians worldwide) |En|
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Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan |En|
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Comparative Religion |En|
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Comunione e Leberazione |En|
Concilium Legionis Mariae (Dublin, Ireland) |En|
Congrégation de Notre-Dame |En|
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament |En|
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Philippines |En|
Conventual Franciscans |En|
Conventual Franciscans - Canada |En|
Conventual Franciscans - U.S.A. |En|
CrossSearch |En|
Cursillos |En|
Darfur is dying |En|
Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross |En|
Developement and Peace |En|
Dialog of Catherine of Siena |En|
Diocese of Albany, NY - Office of Vocations |En|
Diocese of Buffalo - Vocation Office |En|
Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi - Office of Vocations |En|
Diocese of Joliet - Vocation Office |En|
Diocese of Kansas City ~ St. Joseph -Vocations Office |En|
Diocese of Sacramento - Office of Priestly and Religious Vocations |En|
Diocese of Springfield Ill - Vocations Office |En|
Diocese of Springfield Ma - Vocations Office |En|
Diocese of Springfield Mo, cape Girardeau - Vocations Office |En|
Diocese of Worcester Mass USA |En|
Dominican Art |En|
Dominican House of Studies. Washington |En|
Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies in Cairo (IDEO) |En|
Dominican life USA |En|
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Dominicans for Justice and Peace at the United Nations |En|
EWTN AM/FM Radio |En|
Easton's Bible Dictionary |En|
Ecclesiastical Calendar |En|
Email of John-Paul II |En|
Episcopalian Web Page |En|
Eucharistic Oblate for the Vulnerable |En|
European petition against human cloning |En|
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Family of the Americas: Ovulation Method |En|
Fathers of the Church |En|
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Fides Quaerens Internetum - Christian Theology Page |En|
Fidesco |En|
First Church of Cyberspace |En|
Focolari -Mouvement |En|
Fondation Père Eusèbe Ménard |En|
Food Force (download) |En|
Food Force (en ligne) |En|
Foundation for Monasteries |En|
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary |En|
Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi Philippines |En|
Franciscan University of Steubenville |En|
Franciscan Web Page |En|
FranciscanFriars.com |En|
Friends of St. Maria Goretti USA |En|
Galaxy Religious resources |En|
General Introduction to the collected works of St. John of the Cross |En|
Genevan Institut for reformed Studies |En|
Goshen Net Resources |En|
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Graduate Theological Union. Berkeley. |En|
Graduate Theological Union. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. Berkeley. |En|
Grand Rapids Catholic Information Center Page (Paulist fathers) |En|
Gregorian Chant Homepage |En|
Gregorian Chant on the WWW |En|
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Hans Urs von Balthasar website |En|
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Icon - Art & Spirituality |En|
Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montreal |En|
Institut of Spirituality and Aging. Berkley |En|
Institute for interreligious intercultural dialogue |En|
International Network of Distance Education |En|
International Union of superiors general |En|
Internet Medieval Sourcebook ( Full text sources and Saints' lives) |En|
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Introduction to the devout life - Saint François de Sales |En|
Ixtmedia exclusive authorized internet distributor for publications of the Vatican Publishing House |En|
Jacques Maritain Center |En|
Jean-Paul II page |En|
Jesuit Resources on the Web |En|
Jesuit Spirituality Centers : Europe |En|
John Henry Newman |En|
Josemaría Escrivá - Founder of Opus Dei |En|
Jubilee of the year 2000 |En|
Judaism and Christianity on the WWW |En|
L'École Biblique de Jérusalem |En|
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Legion of Mary Senatus of Ontario |En|
Legion of Mary Singapore Senatus |En|
Life of Saint Martin of Tours |En|
Lifeissues.net |En|
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Links to the Eucharist: Jesus Christ |En|
Litoo Groupe Saint-Remi Libraire Éditeur |En|
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Logsdon School of Theology. Texas |En|
Loyola University Chicago |En|
Lumen vitae, International Institute of Catechetical and Pastoral Studies, Brussels |En|
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago |En|
Lutheran Web Page |En|
MISNA Missionary Service News Agency |En|
Marcel Van Prayer Groups |En|
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Marthe Robin and the Foyers de Charité |En|
Mass Times (UK) |En|
Mass Times (USA) |En|
Mater Caritatis |En|
Maxkol |En|
Medieval France Homepage |En|
Messages of the divine light of Jesus and Mary |En|
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Multi-media creations & services (bulk conversions of analog and printed material from analog to digital format) Gabriel Berberian |En|
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National Marriage Encounter |En|
Natural Family Planning |En|
Natural Family Planning Association - Ontario |En|
Nederlands. Religious life in the low countries |En|
Notre Dame du Cap shrine |En|
Official Web Site of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi |En|
Opus Dei, finding God in work and ordinary life |En|
Order of Friars Minor |En|
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin |En|
Order of Friars Minor Conventual - Gen.Curia |En|
Order of Saint Benedict |En|
Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance |En|
Orthodox Internet sites |En|
Orthodox Seminaries and Schools |En|
Orthodox Web Page |En|
Other Catholic Resources on the Net |En|
Our Lady of Fatima - The Fatima network |En|
Our Lady of Soufanieh (Damas, Syria) - site dedicated to Christian Unity |En|
Our Lady's Crusaders for Life |En|
Padre Pio Foundation |En|
Padre Pio Quotations |En|
Padre Pio on Christian perfection |En|
Padre Pio site of EWTN, Global Catholic Network |En|
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Passionist home page |En|
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Paul Halsall/Fordham University |En|
Pax Christi (U.S.A.) |En|
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Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity |En|
Pontifical Council for the Family |En|
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross |En|
Pontificio Collegio Filippino |En|
Pope Paul VI Institute |En|
Prayer 24/7 |En|
Pregnancy centers online: USA, Canada, England, Australia, International |En|
Pregnancy ressource centers WorldWide Search |En|
Priests, Religious, Vocations Document Library ( EWTN) |En|
ProLifeBlogs |En|
Publishare - Online Bible Ministry |En|
RELIGION (The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Religion) |En|
RENEW International |En|
RES Reflexions on Ethics and Society |En|
Radical Catholic Page |En|
Radio MIR Medjugorje - Mass |En|
Radio MIR Medjugorje - Rosary |En|
Radio Vatican daily features 2030 UTC - 20 min |En|
Radio Vatican daily news 1645 UTC - 15 min |En|
Radio Ville Marie |En|
Rassemblement à Son Image |En|
Réformés online |En|
Religious resources on the Net |En|
Rerum Novarum |En|
RoevWade.org |En|
Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington Vermont USA |En|
Rule of Saint Benedict |En|
Russian Christian Home Page |En|
Sacred Space - the prayer site run by the Irish Jesuits |En|
Saget - Vestments for the Liturgy, Lille France |En|
Saint Faustina |En|
Saint Francois de Paule Site Officiel |En|
Saint-John's University -Minnesota |En|
Sainte Thérèse of Lisieux - Visit to Canada of the Major Reliquary from septembre 16 to december 14 2001 |En|
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Shrine |En|
Samu Social of Paris |En|
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montligeon world centre of prayer for the deceased (souls in purgatory) |En|
Savannah Diocese Vocation Office |En|
Schola Saint Grégoire |En|
Scholarly Links of Interest |En|
Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Formation - National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference |En|
Semaines Sociales de France |En|
Serena |En|
Serra International, USA/Canada Council |En|
Shepherds of Christ Ministries |En|
Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament |En|
Shroud of Turin |En|
Signis - The World Catholic Association for Communication |En|
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron |En|
Site Clé (Fédération Évangélique de France) |En|
Société des Bollandistes: christian hagiography |En|
Society For The Propagation of the Faith |En|
Spiritual Canticle of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross |En|
Spiritualiteit |En|
Splendors of Christendom |En|
St Hugh's Charterhouse Parkminster |En|
St. Pachomius Online Library |En|
St.Michael's College - Toronto |En|
Summa theologica, St Thomas Aquinas |En|
Terre sans frontières |En|
Tertullian |En|
The "UNOFFICIAL" Pope John Paul II |En|
The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the 20th Century |En|
The BC Catholic, official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Vancouver |En|
The Bible Research Library |En|
The Biblical Studies Foundation |En|
The Catholic Encyclopedia |En|
The Catholic University of Paris |En|
The Cistercians |En|
The Community of Saint John |En|
The Conference of Religious England |En|
The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit |En|
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The Hail Mary in different languages and dialects |En|
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The second Vatican council |En|
Theology Library, McGill Toolen High Schol |En|
Theology at Oxford |En|
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Therese Bonin's "Thomas Aquinas in English: A Bibliography" |En|
Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum |En|
Today's scripture reading |En|
Toronto School ofTheology |En|
Two thousand years of Catholic Writings |En|
Uniformity with God's Will, Saint Alphonsus Liguori |En|
Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche / Roman Scientific Libraries Union |En|
Unitas |En|
United Bible Societies |En|
United Theological Seminary. Twin Cities |En|
University of Edinburgh |En|
University of Graz |En|
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University of Leuven (Louvain) |En|
University of Notre Dame |En|
University of Passau |En|
University of San Tomas. Philippines |En|
Universityof Bristol |En|
Universityof Heidelburg |En|
Universityof Portland |En|
Universityof Salzburg |En|
Universityof the free State. South Africa |En|
VIS Vatican Information Service - Holy See Press Office |En|
Vanderbilt Divinity School |En|
Vatican Library at Library of Congress |En|
Vatican: The Holy See |En|
Veritas... Catholic Archidiocese of Singapore |En|
Vermont religious vocations |En|
Virgin Mary Tells Cincinnati Visionary Why Her Image Appears on FL Office Building |En|
Virtual voyage at the Museum of Fine Arts |En|
Vocations Online - Joliet |En|
Vocations.ca |En|
Web Site of the Catholic Church in Europe |En|
Welcome to the Friends of Life - Michel Schooyans |En|
Wesley Center for Applied Theology |En|
Wesminster's Theological Seminary |En|
Westminster Abbey |En|
Wheaton College |En|
Winnipeg's Faculty of Theology |En|
Women and Children First |En|
Woodstock Theological Center |En|
World Community of Christian Meditation |En|
World-wide Day of the Rosary October 6 2001 |En|
Worlwide Marriage Encounter |En|
Wurzburg University |En|
You! magazine |En|
Youth2000NY.com |En|
Zenith - news - the world seen from Rome |En|
tothesource |En|

I have the everlasting conviction that any human being, however devoid of natural gifts, can penetrate to the kingdom of truth reserved for genius, if only he or she longs for truth and is willing to concentrate all attention.
Attention consists of suspending our thought, leaving it detached, empty, ready to be penetrated by the thing or person we face.
It means holding in our minds, within reach of this thought but on a lower level and not in contact with it, the knowledge we have acquired about that thing or person.
Our way of thinking is like a woman on a mountain who, as she looks forward, sees also below her, without actually looking at them, a great many forests and plains.
In this way our thought should be silent, empty, waiting, not seeking anything, but ready to receive in its naked truth the thing or the person we face.

Simone Weil (1909 - 1943)

...those who possess the virtue of discretion ...when they have rendered what is due to Me and to themselves, they proceed to render to their neighbor their principal debt of love, and of humble and continuous prayer, which all should pay to each other, and further, the debt of doctrine, and example of a holy and honorable life, counseling and helping others according to their needs for salvation.

The dialogue of the seraphic virgin Catherine of Siena
A treatise of discretion RTFToC17

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